Success Story: WIESE Bucket Elevators Prevent Loss of Sleep

WIESE: A Reliable Solution

Bucket elevators can be a ‘sore subject’ for many businesses. Moving products from Point A to Point B may seem simple, but we all know conventional elevators can be an absolute headache to maintain.

Over the years, Kocotek has solved a lot of problems for our customers. One of the most persistent issues we encounter is the unreliability of conventional bucket elevators. Fortunately, our supplier, WIESE, offers a solution: the rubber chain bucket elevator.

WIESE rubber chain bucket elevators have proven to be a reliable solution to many of our customers. The most pertinent example of the rubber chain’s reliability comes from an experience told by our Sales Associate and WIESE expert, Chaus Davids. See below for his story.

Our Favorite Bucket Elevator Success Story:

Several years ago, one of our customers*, a walnut processor in California, faced a major issue – their conventional elevators kept breaking down and crashing, resulting in considerable down time and costs.  As part of a new Log5 pasteurization line, we proposed incorporating WIESE’s rubber chain bucket elevators.

About one year after the initial WIESE installation was complete, the company installed a second bucket elevator line. The year following the second installation, we ran into one of the company’s Food Safety Specialists at a trade show.  When I mentioned WIESE, she immediately lit up and told us how much she loves WIESE’s bucket elevators.

“I’ll tell you a quick story,” she said, “Last year, I was scheduled for a raise, and we also happened to be choosing a new bucket elevator for our facility. Management asked for the opinions of some of the staff, and when it came time to ask me, I told them that I would definitely choose WIESE”.

“Would you forego a pay raise in favor of a WIESE elevator?”  The manager jokingly asked.  Immediately and without hesitation she responded, “YES! Absolutely!” – shocking the manager.

Now, we know WIESE’s elevators are good, but we did not know they were THAT good, so I asked, “what on earth would make you forego a pay raise in lieu of a new WIESE elevator?”

“My husband is the maintenance manager,” she replied with a smile, “and I was sick and tired of waking up in the middle of the night because he had to leave and fix another bucket elevator!”

“I would say, since the company switched to WIESE, I’ve slept much better.”

This story of helping someone who was literally losing sleep over bucket elevator breakdowns before switching to WIESE, has been my favorite story to tell when I explain just how truly reliable WIESE rubber chain bucket elevators are.

*The company and individual cannot be named due to Non-Disclosure Agreements relating to the purchase of the equipment involved in this story.

by | Apr 7, 2021 | Bucket Elevators

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