Log5 Pasteurization Tech in Blue Diamond’s Newest Plant

Blue Diamond is the first almond processor to incorporate Log5‘s nut pasteurization and nut roasting technology in their newest 52,000 sqaure foot facility in Salida, California. The Log5 nut processing technology will be used across two of its natural pasteurization lines – one for whole almond processing, and the other for dry roasting on an integrated line.

Blue Diamond also recently announced the cooperative’s groundbreaking of it’s receiving warehouse on the same property of their new facility in Salida, which is set to be the largest almond receiving station in the world.

As quoted in Indistrial Equipment News’ article, Mark Jansen, President and CEO of Blue Diamond Growers states:

“The new building design and innovative processing technology we’re deploying provides the highest quality almonds to our customers and consumers.”

If you are a seed or nut processor that is looking for a supplier who understands the specific demands of this industry, Kocotek is your partner of choice. To learn more about our equipment options and how we can help your next nut processing project, please contact us directly below..

by | Sep 27, 2019 | Nuts & Seeds

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